Epoxy Floorer - Case Study

$30,000+ per month in epoxy flooring jobs booked. One new staff member hired. Booked out 3-4 weeks in advance.

$1,500 Ad Spend + Service Fees per month.

META (Facebook & Instagram) Ads Management, Google Review Growth Management and Content Creation.

Before P&CO:
Laurence had tried running his own Facebook Ads before engaging P&Co. He ran website traffic Ads and Messenger Ads at a similar budget with results being poor (1-2 jobs booked).

Laurence’s testimonial can be found below.

Epoxy Floorer - Case Study

$30,000+ per month in epoxy flooring jobs booked. One new staff member hired. Booked out 3-4 weeks in advance.

$1,500 Ad Spend + Service Fees per month.

META (Facebook & Instagram) Ads Management, Google Review Growth Management and Content Creation.

Before P&CO:
Laurence had tried running his own Facebook Ads before engaging P&Co. He ran website traffic Ads and Messenger Ads at a similar budget with results being poor (1-2 jobs booked).

Laurence’s testimonial can be found below.